The Podcast

conversations about careers and caring for today’s parents.

Featuring stories from mums as they navigate their return to work, discussions about the highs and lows of getting a role that’s right for you and your family, and many issues affecting work for modern day mums and dads. 

Hosted and produced mum of two, Laura Broderick, the podcast has been made with stressed out but hopeful parents in mind since 2019.  

Woman with grey hair, glasses wearing a green top sitting on sofa with a microphone

Your Host

Hello! I’m Laura Broderick, your host and producer of the Mother of All Solutions podcast.

I work in architecture as a partnerships manager and live with my partner and our two kids in south London (though I am from NE England.) I have tried many combos of work and childcare patterns since having my first child almost 10 years ago, and I think it’s important to talk about it.

I run MOAS as a side project, as generally I like meeting people and making stuff - so podcasting seems a good fit. I hope you enjoy listening to the MOAS podcast and find ideas and conversations that resonate.

I am open to helping with other podcasts, panel discussions etc - or any opportunity to record in a plush studio such as the one shown here!

Do reach out if you think there are ways to collaborate - I would love to hear from you.

Follow me

Instagram – Twitter - LinkedIn

Photo (c) This is Distorted 

The Guests

MOAS guests come from a range of personal and professional backgrounds. The podcast is recorded remotely at home (clinical psychologist, Dr Emma Svanberg, shown here) and in person when time and situation allows. I have enjoyed interviewing Elliott Rae (Music Football Fatherhood) and Catherine McKinnell MP during campaigning events. Joeli Brearley of Pregnant Then Screwed and pro footballer Emma Mitchell have even contributed to the podcast!

I have also recorded friends and family members, plus mums and dads I have met at events. I hope this mix adds to the richness and diversity of what you hear on Mother of All Solutions.

Also, I’m part of a book group and read on my commute to work and listen to audio whilst trying to sort everything at home. Therefore you will notice quite a few book links / fellow podcast people appear in the MOAS interview mix!